According to the vision of United Track System we provide you with peace of mind UTS serves with the advance technology of SOS alarm system. In case of emergency, one push on panic button activate UTS security system. On intimation UTS control room give its immediate services in the response of SOS alarm system and help clients as they desire. The united tracker serves 24 hours and facilitate its users at real time.
SOS Security System
The United Track System deliver full proof and reliable security to its clients. SOS security system is according to the advance and improved technology which provides instant security at the time of need such as theft attack and at other critical situations. UTS SOS security system is always act as a safeguard at tough situation and become helping hand. In case of an emergency, drivers can intimate the UTS-Control Room (24×7 Operational) to acquire help as desired. No need to make calls, one small push on the PANIC-Button, and our team will be mobilized.