انفارمیشن ٹیکنالوجی پر منعقدہ نمائش
February 11, 2016January 15 ,2016 to January 17,2016
Morning 9 am to Evening 5 pm
Alhamra Arts Council, Mall Stall Number 22, First Floor Lahore, Pakistan-54000
Alhamra Arts Council, Mall Stall Number 22, First Floor Lahore, Pakistan-54000
We are pleased to announce that we will be participating in Lahore Information Technology Exhibition (LITE) 2016, being held at Alhamra Art Gallery Lahore from January 15-16-17, 2016.
We will appreciate your visit to us at Stall Number 22, First Floor to explore a range of our exquisite value added products and services.